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Helpful tips for travelling with baby, toddler or young children

Helpful tips for travelling with baby, toddler or young children

Are you planning a trip with your toddler or young child?   Here are some helpful tips for travelling with young children.

I have found that the essence of travelling with my kids is Food, Comfort and Entertainment. Get these three right and you might just get through it! 


The travel stroller is my must for my toddler.  

A travel stroller for our family is one that folds very easily and compactly.  I use it in everyday life as well as travel so it has to be sturdy. 

Food and snacks for the plane and airport. 

I cannot leave home without a pack of food with me.  My girls eat, eat and eat.  I always have their water bottles topped up and a pack of food – packaged and fresh, savoury and sweet. My rule is to take the standard amount for the expected travel time plus extra 1 or 2 in case of delays.

Nappies, wipes, nappy disposal bags (either scented or freezer bags), change pad liner

Take what you would normally use plus a few extra. I prefer disposable liners for the plane so if there is a leak its easily disposed of.  (And material ones for the everyday so easy to wash.)

Comforter, dummy, favorite toy, activity books, ipad/phone 

Depending on the age of your child and their likes/dislikes your ‘entertainment’ will vary. Make sure you have multiple of dummies and comforters just in case something gets lost. My toddler loves Peppa so as long as we have it readily available, we are sorted. My eldest loves books, drawing and movies, so its colouring activities and good headphones for her.


If you are travelling somewhere hot, water mist is great. My kids love getting a quick spritz when its hot and stuffy.

Long sleeve and short sleeve tee

You can dress up and down as temperature changes (on the plane)

Extra pair of leggings and socks and tee – in case of leak/spill.



Clearly you will be taking clothes that are appropriate for the weather to which you are headed.  If you are going somewhere hot and will be doing lots of swimming, I cannot recommend the Seedling Paddle Pants reusable swim nappies.  So good and will last you for years.

Nappies, wipes, nappy disposal bags (either scented or freezer bags), change pad liner.

If your little one is in nappies, stock up on your fave brand. Unless you are remote, the big brands are everywhere if you forget or don’t want to bring. Again, what you would normally use plus a few extra. I prefer material ones for the everyday so easy to wash.

Food and Water

Depending on where you are going, you may need to use only bottled water for drinking. With water be careful in baths, pools and showers that your little ones don’t get water in his/her mouth when washing. When my little ones were small and we were travelling outside Australia I was bringing the ready made food in the packets which they loved.  


I love WOT NOT sunscreen for the whole family.  Bring good soothing cream ike aloe vera, as well (just in case).

Keeping clean

Get a gentle, non toxic hand sanitiser for your bag.  And I always have wipes with me – you can quickly clean hands, face, surfaces with your usual baby wipes.


You can use Milton tablets to sterilise or if you have access to a microwave while you are away, I used the Cherub Baby microwave steriliser bags with bottled water. So easy.  Great for dummies, small toys, bottles, teets, spoons, etc..

Mozzie repellent 

If you are going somewhere tropical and avoid dark coloured clothes and prams etc.  Check with your GP about any medical recommendations.  Also check https://smartraveller.gov.au


My kids have luckily never had issues dropping into a bed and sleeping while we have been away. They get so tired – its brilliant. But not everyone has the same experience.  If you think there is a  chance of discomfort, then grab a cot sheet from home that they are used to sleeping on and get lavender sleep balm.

Kids Panadol/Nurafen

I never travel without it.  I usually don’t need it but it easier to take with you rather than be searching for it at 10pm in a strange country.  As with any medicine make sure you check the country restrictions.  I also pack a mini first aid kit of sorts – some sterile eye wash water, bandaids, betadine antiseptic ointment and tea tree oil.

Pool toys / sand toys / other activity toys they love

Grab some with you – they are light and small and good to have for slow afternoons!